Nutrien Ag Solutions
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Nutrien Ag Solutions is the leading provider of agricultural products and services for western Canadian growers. A subsidiary of Nutrien Ltd., Nutrien Ag Solutions is dedicated to helping growers achieve their maximum success by being a trusted partner and creating the next generation of agricultural solutions to help growers feed the world. We do this by providing growers with the latest technologies, products and services and by leveraging our extensive global experience and unparalleled relationships with suppliers.
With over 220 retail locations in communities across Western Canada, we are working to redefine agricultural retail.
Product Categories
Ag ServicesCrop ProtectionFertilizers, Storage and EquipmentFuel Storage and TransportGrain Storage, Handling, DryingHay and Forage RelatedHerbicidesHorticulturePrecision FarmingSeedSeed Treatments and Innoculants
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