Canadian Cattlemen
These days, some of the most interesting and revolutionary thinking in agriculture is found in the cattle business. Canadian Cattlemen magazine has been the place to learn about it all for over 80 years.
Raising cattle in Canada has never been easy. Uncertain weather and markets have always been a challenge. BSE took a heavy toll on beef producers and their communities. More recently, Canadian cattle producers have faced uncertainty due to COVID-19.
Throughout much of that history, with all its ups and downs, Canadian Cattlemen has been along with Canada’s cattle producers, appearing in their mailboxes every month since 1938. Throughout that period, we’ve brought the latest news on cattle management, health and markets. We’ve covered the evolution of the industry, and reported on the activity of the provincial and national industry associations.
Published 12 times per year, every issue of Canadian Cattlemen features items on: grazing management, nutrition, animal health, research, markets, policy, sales and events, and people.