Ethical Fashion Initiative - Film Screening



A Burkinabé boy flees his village and migrates to Northern Italy for work. When later disillusioned by heartbreak, and haunted by memories of home, he slips through time in hopes of regaining all he has lost.

Directed by Walé Oyéjidé.

For the Ethical Fashion Initiative, lifestyle choices impact livelihoods. EFI creates and strengthens social enterprises in emerging economies, connecting discerning international brands in fashion, interiors, fine foods and the arts with talented local artists, designers, artisans and micro-producers. Savvy investors, pro-poor champions and mindful consumers find value in a virtuous circle that creates not just premium products, but also stable, dignified work, and creative and resilient women, men and communities.

Active in ten countries worldwide, EFI is a flagship programme of the International Trade Centre, a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

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