

DIGILOGIC is a H2020 funded project that kicked off in January 2021 and will last three years, till the end of 2023. DIGILOGIC, as a “network of networks”, will pave the way for startups, SMEs and innovators from both continents to jointly develop smart logistic solutions, in close cooperation with industries and investors, securing sustainability and success.

The concept of DIGILOGIC is 3-fold: 

o To develop an EU-AU DIHs long lasting, sustainable partnership based on the common interest to concretely boost the collaboration around smart logistics
o To define an EU-AU smart logistics learning and technology framework and toolset to contribute to a vibrant digital economy ecosystem and sustainable uptake of the results
o To enable the growth of a common innovators’ ecosystem, where talents from both EU and AU can benefit from access to technology, knowledge, and ultimately market opportunities and investors

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