letgo & ApprovalMax

letgo & ApprovalMax

Case Studies


<p> <br>Financial controls and vendor bill automation for multi-entity organisations </p> <p> <br>“As head of finance for a growing business, I work hard to keep things simple. When I joined letgo as VP of Finance, I was tasked with getting the company’s finances in order. One of my initiatives was to implement a transparent process for our managers’ approvals. They have an important job to focus on, so, there’s no time for training them on accounting software. And the fact is: if it is not simple, they just won’t use it. </p> <p> <br>With ApprovalMax we left a procedure that consisted of emails being replied to or forwarded, and switched to a proper digital process. </p> <p> <br>All in all, ApprovalMax has cut my weekly time effort for approvals from 4 hours to about 10 minutes – valuable time that I can now spend on adding value to our company while resting assured that any money going out has been properly authorised for payment beforehand. This is simplicity at its best!” </p> <p> <br>DAVID WIESENECK <br>VP of Finance, letgo </p>

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