

Students packaging contest


Zink is a container for solid format cosmetics that keeps them safe, and make it more comfortable to grip and dry while you home or on the go. It is a refillable packaging which makes it very sustainable. It's safe to reuse it, thanks to solid formula cosmetics are less likely to accumulate microorganisms and bacteria and because de packeging designe keeps the solids dry. Our product is named "Zink" (zinc+think) because of zinc oxide, a mineral naturally found in our bodies with antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, and dermis protector properties; and because we need "think", much more what we can and have to do to be more sostenibles. Zink is hygienic and practic: the customer can store it anywhere (at home or into a bag) and anytime (while wet or dry). Its size allow the customer to carried it everywhere, use it comfortably and without needing an extra to store it and extra object to it get dry.

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