Comercial Química Massó


"Tenemos mucho que contarte"

Yes, we have a lot of things to share with you: the ingredients launched along 2020, the newest formulations developed by our laboratory, concepts and trends around the quick and big changes in the market place... Tell us about your project and let's discuss solutions to match it.

And as usual, we have prepared some C. Q. Massó's "specials" for the 6th Beauty Innovation Days which are linked the most recent market trends. Let's talk about:
- SOLID COSMETICS: a concept pack combining ingredients and formulations that match this strong segment. Solutions for skin care, hair care and colour cosmetics. Working to claim #waterless #sustainability #veggie and much more!
- MASKNE: the pandemic has changed our lifes, and wearing masks is changing our skin. React to those emerging changes and problems: get to know our solutions for maskne 

About C. Q. Massó in Personal Care

The FCR (Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Related products) department of C. Q. Massó provides solutions to the personal care, health care & veterinary, household, industrial & institutional cleaning and insecticides industries. Ingredients, formulations, concepts, regulatory support: your choice, your success.
Present in Spain & Portugal, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Mexico and Peru with local sales teams.
Global management, logistics, technical, marketing and regulatory support. 

Activity fields
Active ingredientsDistributionRaw materialsOther services

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