Every Practice Should Have a Big M Manager

Every Practice Should Have a Big M Manager

Business Services


There are Managers with a Big M - Professionals who are responsible for controlling or administering an organisation or group of staff... And there are managers with a small m - People who cope, survive or get by through adversity A Big M Manager will make a struggling practice perform, make a demotivated team raise their game, and take the pressure off a tired, overloaded boss. Every Practice Should Have One! And yet most of the people who are expected to manage an Independent Practice have received next to no training, guidance or support! The Big M Programme is 12 Months of Project-Based Learning for Practice Owners and Their Managers where they work together to become a Management Team. At the end of the programme they will have developed a new level of respect, understanding and teamwork that will enable them to continue to grow a secure, profitable business. This is learning made enjoyable and practical. There will be NO Lecturers, NO Text Books, NO Classrooms and NO exams! There will be - A learning centre crammed with tried and tested systems and tools, with detailed guides on how to roll them out. Coaches - who will be with you every step of the way to plan your progress, answer your questions, help you get over the speed bumps and hold you accountable for being the very best that you can be. Fortnightly tutor groups to share ideas, learning and experiences with your fellow Big M students. Book a meeting with Matt or Andy to see how easy it will be to bring Big M into your practice. www.practicebuilding.co.uk/bigm

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