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ABDO, the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, represents  6,361 qualified dispensing opticians in the UK. The Association also has 222 members overseas, 352 associate members and 1,622 student members worldwide. 

ABDO’s objectives are:

  • To support, protect and advance the character, status and interests of dispensing opticians.
  • The advancement, for the benefit of the public, of the science and art of dispensing optics and promotion of research into such science and art, provided that the useful results of any such research is disseminated for public benefit.

ABDO’s aims are:

  • To promote the better education and training of dispensing opticians.
  • To encourage the study, and improve the practice, of dispensing optics.
  • To encourage suitable standards of education in dispensing optics, and to establish, continue and adjudicate a system of qualifying and higher examinations.
  • To enter into any arrangements with any authorities that may seem conducive to the interests of ABDO.
  • To disseminate among members and others, information on all matters affecting dispensing optics, and publish written material as appropriate.
  • To give the legislative, public bodies and others, facilities of conferring with, and ascertaining the views of, persons engaged in the optical dispensing profession. 

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