Vishal Mathur

Vishal Mathur

Global Head of Engagement

Telecom Infra Project

About me

As Global Head of Engagement at Telecom Infra Project (TIP), Vishal is responsible for facilitating TIP community trials and the commercial scaling of TIP-incubated solutions globally, with the primary objective of unlocking business models that accelerate the deployment of telecom network connectivity where it’s needed. Prior to joining TIP, Vishal worked for over 25 years across consulting and telecoms in strategy, business development and P&L positions, at Accenture, A.T. Kearney, Telefonica, the GSMA and now TIP. His most notable achievement was at the GSMA, where he led a global programme, which facilitated Industry & Government collaboration within 10 emerging markets to bridge the digital divide for underserved communities.

Is speaking at

Supporting and Developing Innovation in Telecoms: The UK’s Approach to R&D

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
Catherine Page OBE · Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)
Khurram Qayam · NEC
Paul Trubridge · Dense Air Ltd
Vishal Mathur · Telecom Infra Project
Gary Trotman · Digital Catapult