Allplan´s role in Moldova´s first BIM-driven major infrastructure project
See how ALLPLAN, a global leader in BIM solutions, is helping to drive Moldova's transition towards more efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced infrastructure development. Delve into the ambitious vision and challenges in an ALLPLAN customer project, showing the transformative potential of BIM in realizing large-scale infrastructure projects.
Presenters will be: Adrian Ghencea - Technical Content Manager at ALLBIM.NET (also moderator), Sergiu Bejan, PhD - Interim General Director of the State Road Administration of Moldova, Alexandru Cecan - Administrator, Project Manager at INJ Proiect, Ion Saranciuc - Senior Specialist at INJ Proiect, Alexei Gustiuc - Senior Specialist at INJ Proiect and Radu Andronic, Architect, BIM Ambassador and Lecturer at the Technical University of Moldova.