Bridging the gap between traditional workflows and the latest in fintech

Bridging the gap between traditional workflows and the latest in fintech



The Luxembourg asset management industry stands on the brink of a significant digital transformation. Confronted with stringent compliance requirements, cumbersome manual processes, and operational challenges, the industry is ripe for innovation. Here's where fintech startups come into play, offering cutting-edge solutions to boost efficiency. A landmark collaboration between ALFI and LHOFT has given rise to the Catapult FUNDTECH 360 program, a forward-thinking initiative geared towards bridging the gap between traditional workflows and the latest in fintech. FUNDTECH 360 is poised to address the critical needs and pain points within the funds industry that fintech firms can effectively tackle. After a rigorous selection process, the chosen start-ups will embark on an immersive journey, going through a mentoring and development bootcamp. The winning FinTechs will be announced during the ALFI Global Asset Management Conference in March 2024. On this occasion they’ll have the opportunity to pitch their solution to over 600 fund experts expected to attend the event. Here's more about the program: And here's more about the ALFI event hosting the pitching session:

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